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The Clenshaw–Curtis quadrature formula is the formula (2.2) based on these nodes. A A better name might have been “Chebyshev” or “Fej´er”—indeed, Clenshaw and Curtis.

Clenshaw–Curtis quadrature and Fejér quadrature are methods for numerical integration, or "quadrature", that are based on an expansion of the integrand.

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fast capabilities for Clenshaw-Curtis and also Gauss-Legendre, -Jacobi, -Hermite, and -Laguerre quadrature, based on algorithms of Waldvogel and Glaser, Liu and Rokhlin. Then we consider how such methods.

Glenn Hammond Curtiss (May 21, 1878 – July 23, 1930) was an American aviation and motorcycling pioneer, and a founder of the U.S. aircraft industry.

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131 lecture 23: Clenshaw–Curtis quadrature 3.3 Clenshaw–Curtis quadrature To get faster convergence for a fixed number of function evalua-tions, one might wish to increase the degree of the approximating.

Gauss quadrature, Newton–Cotes, Clenshaw–Curtis, Chebyshev expansion, we shall compare it with Clenshaw–Curtis quadrature, a family of formulas .

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Clenshaw-Curtis quadrature also converges geometrically for analytic functions ([1], Theorem 19.3). In some circumstances Gauss converges up to twice as fast as C-C, with respect to Npts , but as this example suggests, the two formulas are often closer. Creșterea numărului de copii cu leziuni organice ale sistemului nervos central și